With your gift today, you’ll help us pay our crew a fair, competitive wage, and hire

more young men eager to start their careers. 

With you by their side, the crew can take control of their futures: their work, their families, and the paths they’ll take from here on out. 

Step Up Construction, ICYA’s social enterprise, offers young men a fresh start, valuable skills, and real career growth. With comprehensive training and on-site coaching, young men can escape the cycles of poverty and set themselves and their families up for success.

But we’re in a really hard spot right now.

We can’t afford to keep paying our existing crew a competitive wage, and we can’t afford to hire any more crew members. 

We just don’t have the money. It’s as simple and as frustrating as that.

But the waiting list of young men who want to join the crew just keeps on growing. They want an opportunity to find jobs they’re passionate about and build up lives they’re proud of. They want to become strong business owners, resilient community leaders, and steadfast husbands and fathers.

If you can cover even just one hour of work with a gift of $20, that would mean we can take care of our existing crew and hire more eager young men. 

Our city is filled with young men waiting to put their lives on the right track. They want to gain construction skills, someday open their own businesses, grow into strong community leaders, take control of their lives, and break cycles of poverty and unemployment. 

Those are some ambitious dreams. 

We never want to tell a young man he has to put his dreams on hold just because we can’t afford to pay him.

If you’re able to give $20 today to cover an hour’s wage, please don’t wait. You can make it so that we won’t have to turn anyone away or pay someone an unfair wage. 

Every single one of our crew members—and all those still to come—has heart and potential and inherent worth. 

They deserve the opportunity to be paid a competitive wage, learn comprehensive construction skills, turn their lives around, and set a powerful example of who young men can grow up to be.

They just need all of us—you, me, and our whole community—to believe in them and offer a chance to live up to their full potential.

“Step Up is changing lives. Literally,” says crew member Morley. “They’ve given me an opportunity. I don’t know where else I would be right now.”

Today, you can change more lives like Morley’s with a gift and a prayer. 

Thank you!
