Sarah Barkman
Sarah is a part of the Engage Education Team, working as an outreach worker. She previously worked with Faith Academy at their Pritchard inner city campus for three years. Sarah enjoyed working with the kids at the Pritchard campus and has had a heart for the inner city ever since meeting them.
Sarah heard about the ICYA Engage Education Program through its program director, Sara Traver. The two Sarahs had previously worked together at the Faith Academy Pritchard Campus, and Sara Traver thought Sarah would be a good fit in the Engage Education Program. When Sarah first heard about the opportunity to work with older kids in the inner city, who have even more challenges to face day to day than the young kids she was used to working with, she was nervous.
Through much prayer and discussion with her husband, Sarah decided to go through the door God had opened for her and join the Engage Education team! Though she hasn’t been a part of the team for long, she can already see the love and consideration the staff at ICYA have toward each other, and the kids and their families involved in this ministry.
Sarah is excited to get to know this community even better and is honored to be able to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the people she will get to meet.