Leave a Gift in Your Will

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” - Lam. 3: 22-24


Your will states your values

We want to be remembered, and to leave a footprint. Leaving a gift in your will leaves the world better than you found it. Changing a sentence in your will can change a child's life.

Leave a Legacy

Your legacy gift will help ICYA continue to bring hope and a future to kids in the core of Winnipeg. From the drop-in, to summer camp, to education and work skills, you can be a part of giving kids opportunities they might not have otherwise – far into the future.


Gifts can be given in two ways

  1. You can give a percentage of the assets left over in your estate after you have provided for your family and loved ones. This is a gift from the residue of your estate or a “residual gift” to ICYA.

  2. You can give a gift of a specific dollar amount to ICYA in your will.

Suggested Wording for your Will

I give and bequeath to Inner City Youth Alive, 418 Aberdeen, Winnipeg, MB, R2W 1V7, _______% of the residue of my estate (or the sum of $___________) for its general purposes. I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of Inner City Youth Alive shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executor(s) for the payment of the said bequest.


Call DARRELL FRIESEN, Director of Development, for more info:

  • 204-582-8779

  • darrellf@icya.ca